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Choosing a beer mug

A beer mug is a traditional drinking vessel that originated in Germany in the 16th century and is used to enjoy beer. In addition to its practicality as a drinking vessel, it is also popular as a decorative item, and is a popular collectible. Collectors enjoy beautiful motifs, different shapes and different materials.
What material is the beer mug made of?
A beer mug can be made from a variety of materials. At different times in the history of mankind, there have been different trends in the production of beer mugs. Mostly glass beer mugs can be found today. In significant collections you can find handmade crystal mugs, which are priceless. Historic beer cans are often unique items that have significant monetary value. Porcelain or earthenware beer mugs can also be found in the collections.
Characteristics of a beer mug.
The main characteristic of a large glass with a handle is, above all, stability. Thick glass with a handle allows you to hold the glass firmly. On the other hand, glasses are a particularly flexible container for beer. Thanks to the symmetrical cylinder shape, the fragrance can be distributed continuously and consistently. If necessary, a suitable tin lid can also ensure that the scent is retained for an extended period of time.
Different glasses are preferred for serving depending on the type of beer. For example, for very carbonated beers, tins with a larger opening are best. For lightly carbonated beers, the famous tulip glasses are best. In this case, the beer mug can be used universally.
9-10-2021, 21:31